Another favorite spot of ours is Plymouth Long Beach. When we first moved to Plymouth we would go to Plymouth Long Beach most weekend mornings to have some coffee, relax and enjoy the ocean. Then we heard that you could get a 4x4 sticker to drive further out on the beach. We bought a 4x4 sticker last year but I was never able to go out because I was pregnant and then we had a newborn! Well, we got our 4x4 sticker this year and we have been taking full advantage! We usually drive out to the area that is called "day parking". We back our truck right up to the beach, unload our stuff and enjoy the day (or evening!). We have also gone out past the "crossover" which gives you better access to more of the beach. As of right now they are only letting 35 cars out there at a time. And, the road to get out there has parts that are really soft sand and can be hard to drive on, but it's beautiful and worth it to go all the way out! When it's low tide, there are tide pools out past the crossover. This is where we set up our chairs and gear because the tide pool is only about 6 inches deep and is pretty far from the ocean so Callie can splash in the water and run around in the sand and we don't have to worry about her running into the ocean.
Long Beach is a great spot and it's only about 15 minutes from our house. It's only open to Plymouth residents (and out on the point, it's only Plymouth residents with 4x4 vehicles). And another bonus - it's FREE! (Well, kind of free - we had to buy our 4x4 permit which was about $45.00 - but after that initial investment, it's free!).
Some pictures from Long Beach:
The cars backed up to the beach at "day parking"
The ocean from the beach.